Same instructions as last time, use foot notes, no bibliography. Problem statement should be only one sentence. Use graphs and charts

I’m studying and need help with a Marketing question to help me learn.

Format Requirements for all Papers Submitted for Grade

All written work should be professional in both content and appearance, and should meet the following requirements:

 Do not exceed the established page limit for the body of the paper, but you may attach additional pages with charts or tables in appendix: – for Case Analyses: 4 pages

 Number the pages. In the footer, provide your name and the page number.

 Use a size 12 font. Single or 1 ½ line spacing are acceptable.

 Impose structure on your paper: divide it into relevant sections. For each section, provide a header (in bold font or underlined).

 As appropriate, include tables and/or charts in the body of the paper or attached as appendices.

 Check your work before handing it in. Avoid grammar and spelling mistakes – you will be marked down. Page 5 of 9  Do Not include a references or citations page at the end of the document. If you wish to cite a source, place a footnote at the bottom of the page where the sources is used.

 Staple the pages. Do not use cover sheets, covers or binders for the Case Analyses. Instead, on the top of the first page of the document, provide a title, name, email of the author, the course number and the date. Below is the way the papers should be formatted. The heading should be centered.

Case Analysis: Crescent Pure

John Doe, [email protected]

MKT 449-06

January 1, 2020

Case Analyses The case method requires that students have read and prepared cases in advance. Cases are often used to explore a certain theory or model. Theories are provided within the text of the case itself or in supplementary readings. While students should prepare all cases, a written case analysis should be prepared by each student for the cases assigned. A proper case analysis is short (no more than 4 pages), well-organized, and applies a conceptual model(s) to the issues presented in a case. Do not spend time just rewriting background information that is already contained in the case. I can read the case for that information. I also look very closely as the “little” things in live, such as spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. All those little things will also impact the grade you receive on an analysis. Case studies normally state various options that a company is considering in order to solve its problem. However, I expect student to provide not only those options, but provide other potential solutions as well. I want you to think of creative ways to solve the problem identified in the case, not to simply regurgitate what is already being considered.

Content for Case Analyses:

State the problem. Begin your paper with a statement of the main problem. Your problem statement should not be an exhaustive list of everything that is wrong. Rather, it should be one or two central issues around which all else are organized. You should be able to state a problem in three sentences, or less.

Analyze the problem. This is where you identify relevant facts from the case and apply a conceptual model to diagnose the problem. Analyze the problem you identified (and not some other problem). Organize the facts into a coherent whole as if you were presenting evidence to persuade a skeptic. Clearly state any assumptions that you’ve made. Provide evidence from the case to support your analysis: use quotes, numbers, and facts from the case or other sources. Analyze the problem using a conceptual model from the readings or lectures. Apply the conceptual model fully and explicitly; don’t “cherry pick.”

State potential solutions to the problem. State all the potential solutions that you have developed to potentially solve the problem. You must state the potential solutions and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each of the potential solutions that you have stated. You must provide multiple potential solutions, not just one. Do not simply restate potential solutions contained in the case.

Recommend a solution and explain your rationale for the recommended solution. Recommend one or more of the potential solutions that you have previously stated and provide an explanation for the solution that you have recommended. You should only recommend a solution that you previously discussed.

civil wrongs

I need an explanation for this Business Law question to help me study.

  • Why do you think a society would address liability for civil wrongs separately from criminal wrongs? Should a wrongdoer be potentially liable both for civil wrongs as well as for criminal wrongs related to the same wrongdoing?
  • Sometimes people excuse the damage they cause by saying this was a mistake or that they did not mean to cause the damage. Is this a valid excuse to avoid liability for damage caused? Explain your answer.
  • In common law countries, strict liability was originally imposed for abnormally dangerous activities. What was the rationale for extending strict liability to everyday products sold in commerce? Do you agree with this extension of strict liability? Explain your answer.


NPV NEt Present Value

I’m studying and need help with a Business question to help me learn.

In order to expand its bottled water business, a local company is considering the acquisition of additional equipment. It plans to buy the equipment. The total cost of the equipment (as one initial payment at the beginning of the project) is $200,500. During the time span of its use, the equipment is expected to produce net cash inflows of $67,000 each year. The equipment is expected to be used for 4 years, then re-sold in the used-equipment market for $25,000. The discount rate (the rate of return assumption for the project) is 12%. What is the net present value (NPV) of this project?




FV Annuity


PV Annuity



















































Paper outline

I don’t know how to handle this Management question and need guidance.

Paper topic: Emergency Preparedness for Elderly in The State of Kentucky.

I would expect to see some type of hazard vulnerability study or analysis for Kentucky in the paper. You should also include a discussion on some of the area resources.

  • Paper outline should address the following:

· Abstract – An overview of the paper topic, importance of the topic etc. Begin your abstract with “The purpose of this discussion is to…”

· Targeted topics – Sample paper subheadings, major areas to be covered in your paper. Use bullets to help separate each subheading.

· Selected references – cite at least three at this point (but will need to cite more in final paper). Also, see “Annotated Bibliography” below.

· Expected conclusions what you expect at this point, recognizing that your final conclusions may be different; expect to discuss the difference(s) in your final paper.

exercise 2

Can you help me understand this Writing question?

Exercises 2/3

Now that you have developed your research question, you need to begin the process of developing your research design. Since your proposal will ultimately involve multiple methods proposal, recognize that the process will differ for your qualitative and quantitative studies. You will move toward the development of your proposed design by first providing a more detailed analysis of the research articles on your chosen topic

(from Exercise 1).

Exercise #2 Quantitative Survey Research


You will complete Parts I-IV for each of your quantitative/survey research articles.

The issues you need to address are outlined below, and your critical analysis will be

approximately two typed pages for each article.

I.Theoretical Orientation.

What is the research question/topic? What theory is presented? Why is the research

important? What are the hypotheses?


1. What is the unit of analysis? What is the time dimension? What sampling procedure

was used? Was it appropriate for the research question/ the population under

consideration? Discuss the sample size (and demographic characteristics), and


2. What are the independent and dependent variables? What other key (control)

variables are identified? How are the central concepts defined and operationalized?

(Include the names/definitions, and indicators of each major concept.) Is the level of

measurement appropriate? How does the study assess reliability and validity?

III.Data Collection and Analysis Critique

1. What was the response rate, and does the author address the issue of nonresponse

bias? Do the questions asked of respondents (number, wording) adequately reflect the

concepts? For closed-ended questions, were the response categories appropriate, exhaustive, and mutually exclusive? For open-ended questions, how were the responses categorized? Were the questions clear and unambiguous, avoiding social

desirability, etc.? 2. What statistical analyses were are applied to the data? What are the key research results? Are the findings clearly presented, with appropriate inference about the strength and direction of the association and statistical significance of

hypothesized relationships? Does the author make causal inferences? What evidence is presented regarding direction of influence and nonspuriousness?

IV.Conclusions and Reporting.

Is the method used appropriate, or well-suited, to addressing the research question or

testing the hypothesis?

How do the researchers address ethical concerns? Are procedures implemented that

adequately protect participants’ rights and welfare?

What substantive conclusions are drawn from the study? Are the conclusions

appropriate to the design and the representativeness of the sample? Does the author

discuss alternative explanations of findings or results? Does the research replicate,

modify, extend, or contradict previous studies?

Has the researcher reported any shortcomings in the study design or execution? Does

the author discuss the implications of study results for future research?

What do you think of the quality of the research?

B. Proposed Research Design

This section will be approximately three-four typed pages.

First, provide a critical integration (compare and contrast) of the articles to

summarize “what is known” about the topic. You might note important similarities or

differences in theoretical orientation, sampling/methods, data analysis/results,

conclusions, strengths and limitations. Taking the articles together, what do you now

know overall about your research topic, and what gaps in existing knowledge remain?

Then, propose an alternative survey design to replicate, extend, or improve upon

the studies you reviewed, particularly addressing any noted errors, limitations, or


What population/sampling procedure would you use; why? What mode of survey

administration will you use: why? Will you use the same or different questions as those

in your literature; why?

Include your questionnaire. You will need at least two indicators (or an existing

scale) each for your independent variable, dependent variable, and control variables.

After these are approved, you will pre-test them on about five cases, and you will

include the results (what you learned) in your final proposal paper.

base on the exercise 1 add 4more pages