Let’s start thinking about your Week 6 final paper – Cultural Perspectives. For that paper, you will choose one particular diversity-related issue to explore in depth. For this written assignment, th

Let’s start thinking about your Week 6 final paper – Cultural Perspectives. For that paper, you will choose one particular diversity-related issue to explore in depth. For this written assignment, think of possible diversity-related issues that could be used for your Final Paper. 


First, identify three different types of diversity situations or cultural dilemmas based on different types of cultural and group associations. These diversity situations or dilemmas are your topics. 

The following are guidelines for choosing your three separate diversity-related issues:

  • Select topics that are reflective of diversity issues as we have been discussing in this course.
  • The situations or dilemmas should demonstrate a cultural clash between at least two socio-cultural groups and have the potential for debate.

This video provides a tour of the University of the Rockies Library.

  • Select topics that are current and possibly in the news.
  • Select topics that can be researched to find out about them more in-depth.

Second, in addition to readings, media, website resources, and personal experiences, use ProQuest and EBSCOhost to find THREEappropriate scholarly articles to support your topics. Review the Library Tour video as well as the vidoes for searching EBSCOhost and Proquest to get started. At least one article should come from ProQuest, and one article should come from EBSCOhost.

  • Searching Techniques: EBSCOhost (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
  • Searching Techniques: Proquest (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Third, write a 660-1320 word paper (not including title page) that briefly discusses the following for each of your selected topics: 

  • Describe the diversity situation or cultural dilemma and your interest in this topic.
  • Describe the cultural groups impacted by this topic.
  • What are some of the societal and historical forces which might have created this situation or dilemma?
  • Provide one argument from each perspective regarding the topic. 

Remember to cite the articles you found using ProQuest and EBSCOhost (use this APA formatted template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for assistance).

Point Value: 8 PointsWeekly Learning Outcome Alignment: 1, 2Course Learning Outcome Alignment: 3, 4, 6

What parts of th source do an accurate job of displaying the topic according to the psychological research?

MUST HAVE SEEN OR WATCH THE MOVIE CONCSSION (2015) with Will Smith playing Dr. Bennet Omalu.

I need an application paper for psycology due next week.  No less than 4 pages, no more than 5 pages NOT including the cover page and reference page.  APA sixth edition style.

A) Explain how the psychological topic is portrayed in the movie source.

B) What parts of th source do an accurate job of displaying the topic according to the psychological research?

C) How does the source inaccuratley portray the topic according to psychological research?

I chose the movie Concussion to discuss the psycholiogical effects of CTE (please see below).  Paper must include A, B and C above all in reference to the psychological effects of CTE adn palying football.   Will pay $5 per page for a total of $20.  Will pay and extra $5 to watch or re-watch the movie as you may need it for a reference (more than likely).  Total for this paper will be $25.  Please ask any questions about the paper.  Worth a lot of my grade.

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive degenerative disease of the brain found in athletes (and others) with a history of repetitive brain trauma, including symptomatic concussions as well as asymptomatic sub concussive hits to the head.  This trauma triggers progressive degeneration of the brain tissue, including the build-up of an abnormal protein called tau.  These changes in the brain can begin months, years, or even decades after the last brain trauma or end of active athletic involvement.  The brain degeneration is associated with memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, and, eventually, progressive dementia.  (http://www.bu.edu/cte/about/what-is-cte/)

Identify barriers to research utilization in practice.

Question:  Suggest a data mining project for your practice. Which information would you like to have about your practice area that could be extracted using data mining strategies?

> 300 words, reference cited and you have to have one of the references from:

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2015). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (3rd ed.).  Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett. (ISBN 978-1-284-04351-8)

Will be checked for plargiarism by Turniton

Learning Guide #6

Learning Guide for Module 6

Course Title:  B404 Nursing Informatics

Learning Goals/Outcomes

Upon completion, the student will be able to:

  • Describe nursing research in relation to the Foundation of Knowledge model.
  • Explore the acquisition of previous knowledge through Internet and library holdings.
  • Explore information fair use and copyright ­restrictions.
  • Explore data mining.
  • Clarify the differences between evidence-based practice and translational research.
  • Identify barriers to research utilization in practice.

Required Resources


http://www.holah.karoo.net/quantitativequalitative.htm (Links to an external site.)

http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/qualdata.php (Links to an external site.)

http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/datatype.php (Links to an external site.)

http://joannabriggs.org/ (Links to an external site.)

http://www.guideline.gov/ (Links to an external site.)

http://www.aacn.org/WD/Certifications/Content/synmodel.pcms?pid=1&&menu (Links to an external site.)=

http://www.ihi.org/Pages/default.aspx (Links to an external site.)

http://www.cc.nih.gov/nursing/research/index.html (Links to an external site.)

Mini Lecture

In Crossing the Quality Chasm, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America identified the critical role of information technology in designing a health system that produces care that is safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable. Specifically highlight was the role of informatics in promoting patient safety and enabling evidence-based practice (EBP), 2 significant aspects for assuring healthcare quality. First, described were the components of an informatics infrastructure for patient safety and EBP. Second, the role of informatics in 4 areas: 1) information access; 2) communication among members of the healthcare team; 3) automated surveillance for real-time error detection and prevention; and 4) standardization of practice patterns. Last, some challenges for nursing and for informatics in the future and provide key recommendations for education, practice, policy, and research.

A scenario of how the various aspects of information infrastructure can be highlighted on the task of improving patient care through EBP. Consider a patient who is admitted to an inpatient medical service and is found to require a surgical procedure. The resident caring for the patient enters a progress note, complete with problem list and preoperative orders, into the hospital’s electronic medical record system. Because the system recognizes through a set of rules that one of the problems entered was a surgical procedure, it matches the procedure against a set of guidelines for preoperative patient care. The system notes that preoperative antibiotics are recommended for this particular procedure (based on a recent automated survey of local patterns of antibiotic resistance in bacterial infections in the hospital) and generates a reminder, alerting the physician to the fact that antibiotics have not been ordered. He or she subsequently orders an antibiotic. Later in the day, based on a creatinine level indicative of mild renal insufficiency, the system sends a message recommending that the antibiotic dose be reduced using the resident’s preferred notification method, his or her handheld device. The resident reads the message, chooses a more appropriate dose, and transmits the revised order to the hospital system.

The nurse who is reviewing the preoperative orders on his or her to do list is notified by the system of the change in dose order as is the pharmacy-dispensing system. AIDitionally, because he or she is not familiar with the operative procedure, the nurse selects an icon to initiate an EBP search to retrieve information regarding the most effective preoperative teaching method for the procedure in a patient with similar characteristics as the hospitalized patient. The search, which is tailored by clinical data from the information system, retrieves a teaching plan that is subsequently implemented and evaluated. Following the procedure, the teaching plan and key postoperative indicators related to effectiveness of the plan are aIDed to the hospital’s library of preoperative teaching plans and related computer-based instructional materials where it can be accessed in the future using a case-based reasoning algorithm.

Although this scenario is not typical in today’s healthcare organization, it reflects implementation of existing rather than future methods and technologies that form an informatics infrastructure for patient safety and EBP.

Course content is taken from NURS I630 developed by Josette Jones, Indiana University Indianapolis.

Learning Activities

Activities for This Lesson

Suggest a data mining project for your practice. Which information would you like to have about your practice area that could be extracted using data mining strategies?

In Week 4, you submitted your Final Project topic to your Instructor for approval. This week, you will submit an outline of your Final Project paper. As a reminder, your analysis and literature review

In Week 4, you submitted your Final Project topic to your Instructor for approval. This week, you will submit an outline of your Final Project paper. As a reminder, your analysis and literature review of the topic should focus on psychological aspects.

To prepare

· Review the Final Project Outline Exemplar in this week’s Learning Resources.

· Review the Walden Writing Center’s resource for creating an outline in this week’s Learning Resources.

· Create an outline of your paper for the topic you selected for your Final Project in Week 4.

Sample outline for assignment, uploaded week final project for topic and title.


1. Introduction and overview

a. Explanation of transgenderism 

i. Key definitions

 ii. Theories of transgenderism 

b. History of transgenderism 

i. Medical diagnoses and treatments

ii. Political events and movements 

2. Research on trans mental health 

a. Challenges

i. Differentiating from lesbian, gay, and bisexual research

ii. Accessing the trans population

iii. Political and funding support

b. Recommended solutions 

i. Targeted research on full spectrum of trans population 

ii. Outreach to trans community

iii. Advocacy

3. Psychological health and well being 

a. Challenges 

i. DSM and pathologizing transgenderism 

ii. Mental health issues among trans individuals 

b. Recommended solutions

i. Affirmative therapy

ii. Advocacy for removal of diagnosis

4. Conclusion 

a. Assessment of recommended solutions 

b. Final recommendations for social change recommendations

Here is week for paper to write the outline for:

The impact of toys on gender identity development in children

I choose this topic because it is the most familiar one in our lives and that at one point we had gone through the similar experience especially when it came to toys selection.

Toys are the major assets own by the children in our environment. We find that children like toys very much but careful when it comes to selection based on the child’s gender. Boys concentrate more on toys resembling engine powered machines like tracks, bikes, and trains while the girls focus more on care toys like for example dolls, utensils and general cleanliness (Todd, et al., 2018). 

Toys impact the children psychology by creating this idea that they both should play with specific kinds of toys and grow up believing and exhibiting the same approach to other kids younger than them (Todd, Barry, & Thommessen, 2017). This trend and belief are so apparent that anyone just by looking at the toys in a given household can determine the child’s gender. 


Todd, B. K., Barry, J. A., & Thommessen, S. A. (2017). Preferences for ‘Gender?typed ‘Toys in Boys and Girls Aged 9 to 32 Months. Infant and Child Development, 26(3).

Todd, B. K., Fischer, R. A., Di Costa, S., Roestorf, A., Harbour, K., Hardiman, P., & Barry, J. A. (2018). Sex differences in children’s toy preferences: A systematic review, meta?regression, and meta?analysis. Infant and Child Development, 27(2), e2064.

I gave a sample outline and the week 4 paper in which the topic is about please view it and make sure you understand what I need.

What are the most difficult problems you have experienced in running the facility?

This activity requires you to arrange a visit to a nursing home in your community and interview management, personal care staff, and nursing staff. Your objective is to learn as much as you can about the services provided to the residents, problems experienced by the staff in meeting their needs, and the recommendations of management for improvements to the program. The elderly belong to the group of citizens in our society that is at the heart of the debate we are examining. You should have the opportunity to learn first hand about them, their needs, and the aspirations of those charged with their care. (If a nursing home is not available in your area, you may choose another facility as long as either the facility or the section of the facility you visit deals exclusively with the elderly. In the rare case that no facility is available, students may research this issue in ProQuest and on the Internet to prepare a paper that aIDresses care of the elderly.)

This activity is comprised of three parts. (100 points) (A 5-page response is required for the combination of Parts A, B, and C and must include references in APA format.)

Part A The first phase of this activity is to plan your visit by researching the facility. Learn as much as you can about the services, structure, staff and contact personnel. Prepare a visit profileto include the facility, the people you would like to interview, their roles and responsibilities, and several questions you plan to explore with each category of person you interview. It is important that you plan each interview by writing down the questions you want to ask in advance of the interview. (30 points) (A 2-page response is required.)
Part B The second phase of the activity involves making the visit and conducting the interviews. Following your interviews, prepare a statement of findings. This statement should contain a detailed list of the facts you have uncovered. (40 points) (A 2-page response is required.)
  To help you in your data collection interview activity please consider the following set of questions to explore with the nursing home managers and staff.


1.     How is the facility structured and organized?

2.     What is the socio-medical profile of the typical resident?

3.     What programs do you provide for the residents?

4.     What are the most difficult problems you have experienced in running the facility?

5.     What has been done to solve the problems?

6.     What improvements would provide the most benefit to the programs and residents?

7.     What are the greatest impediments to implementing these improvements?

Personal Care and Nursing Staff

1.     What is your typical day like?

2.     What program activities are most beneficial to the residents for whom you care?

3.     What are the most difficult problems you have in caring for the residents?

4.     What changes would most help make your job easier?

5.     Do you think the residents are happy here?

6.     If so, why and if not why not?

7.     Do the residents maintain contact with their families?

8.     Are families involved in end-of-life counseling sponsored by the facility?

9.     What is the most difficult medical care problem encountered by the nursing staff?

10.  Under what conditions does the facility employ life-extending medical interventions?

11.  What is the stated facility policy on this issue?

I have provided these questions as a guide to you in preparing for the interviews. Please use them as such and not as an exhaustive and inclusive list of questions. Please feel free to expand, eliminate, or modify your questions, as appropriate, to accomplish the objectives of the activity.

Part C The final phase of the activity is to prepare an analysis of your findings, which you should relate to the Lecture and Research Update and the Required Readings in this assignment. Prepare an analysis statement explaining your conclusions on care for the elderly, recommendations on how to improve that care, and your position on whether health care to the elderly should be rationed. (30 points) (A 1-page response is